Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana provides leadership opportunities and outcome-based programming to more than 8,000 girls, grades K-12, throughout our 64 counties in Kentucky and Southern Indiana. Your contribution to the Annual Campaign will help to benefit every Girl Scout in our council by providing needed resources, programs, and support.
About the Campaign
We know it takes careful consideration when you make a charitable gift. Please know that you are contributing to an organization with a powerful voice for the development of young women in our community. Your personal gift of $25, $50, or the amount you can best afford, provides valuable dollars which allow us to offer more programs, create better camping facilities, and reach more girls than ever before. You witness firsthand the positive influence Girl Scouting has on the lives of girls.
Options for Giving
You gift can be made by check or by credit card online here.
Please make checks payable to:
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana
2115 Lexington Road
Louisville, KY 40206
Promise 365
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana invites you to join us in a campaign that ensures that we can provide Girl Scouting to all girls 365 days a year. For just $1 a day ($365 per year), anyone can be a partner in building girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Learn more here.