The Democratic Process is a central tenet of Girl Scouting. We achieve it for girls by making our activities girl-planned and girl-led to the fullest extent possible. For older girls and adults we currently have a Delegate Assembly of elected representatives who meet annually to elect board members and officers and approve bylaws changes. We also hold Fall Forums and meet in Area Associations twice a year to elect area leaders and delegates, conduct area-related business, and hear reports from and send comments to our board.
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana is governed by a Board of Directors, which provides strategic leadership, advocacy, decision-making, policy development and oversight. Board members are elected by the council’s corporate membership. Although board members are elected as individuals, the Board of Directors functions as one body in deliberating and make policy level decision.
Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana provides the Girl Scout Leadership Experience in relevant, fulfilling and fun ways. We are an organization where differences among people are present, welcomed, and fully engaged. We grow our membership and resources by optimizing volunteers, staff, properties and technology, to ensure we have positive outcomes for girls.
1. Co-create and demonstrate the volunteer staff partnership.
2. Articulate the value of volunteering for Girl Scouts and implement recruitment strategies designed to attract, cultivate and retain new leaders.
3. Assess and establish an organizational diversity, equity and inclusion baseline that will be used to inform future strategies.
4. Increase girl utilization of camp properties.
5. Pursue a sustainable, material new revenue stream.
6. Evaluate communication strategies and define and pursue opportunities to improve results.
Adults and girls 14 years old and older may serve as council delegates and participate in the council democratic process. Delegates are elected at Area Association Meetings following the Annual Meeting in the spring.
Delegates’ responsibilities are as follows:
Governance Documents