Complete Your Membership and Background Check
This is where all of our new volunteers start: Become a Girl Scout Member
Once you complete your membership, you will receive an email from "Girl Scouts of Kentuckiana <>," a third-party company that specializes in volunteer background checks. Simply click the link in that email (note: this link is only valid for 72 hours). This email may go to your promotions, spam or junk folder, so be sure to check those when looking for it. The background check can take anywhere from 2 days to 3 weeks to process depending on where you live, so it is best to get this done as quickly as possible.
If you cannot find their email or the link is expired, you may also visit their website and submit it there:
1. Visit their website at
2. Click on Get Started.
3. Click on Learn More under I’m a Volunteer.
4. Click on Click Here.
5. Create your account and use the Good Deed Code: mhc8kip. You will need your driver's license number to submit your background check.
If you would prefer to complete your background check over the phone, call our Customer Care Team at 888-771-5170.